Introducing Hyvinvointikylä in a nutshell
The Finnish name – Hyvinvointikylä – is translated as Wellbeing Village. Thus the name originate from a concept, which aim to accept anyone without any political, social, cultural, gender etc prejudice or judgement in a nature driven place, where one can always feel safe and welcome.
We are located in Vihti, within a 50 minutes drive from Helsinki, the capital of Finland.
We serve the needs of a variety of customers, e.g. corporate team workshop days to weekend yoga courses.
Please let us know if you are interested in visiting our over a century old, but fully renovated, wooden log house and its pristine nature surroundings. We operate around the year, preferably serving groups of 10-15 people. We're more than happy to answer any questions, regarding your possible concerns and special needs.
Please take a look at our Instagram image feed, thank you.
Tero Pajunen
Tel. +358 (0)50 585 1500
" We embrace all visitors – especially those who represent foreign countries and cultures."